Snow (Atlas) Platform Essentials

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During this self-paced e-learning training we explore the potential of Snow License Manager. You will learn how to use Snow to gain full visibility of your IT estate as well as navigate and create reports using actionable data from discovery and inventory. This course is to be completed as part of the Snow learning journey and is a prerequisite for further courses.

This course is designed to enable you in the functionality of the Snow Platform. License Terms & Conditions are changed/added throughout this course, these Terms & Conditions may not apply to your own environment. Please check with your agreements and licenses before making changes to your data.

Who Should Attend?

This course should be attended by everyone as an introduction to the Snow Platform.


There are no prerequisites required for this course.

Course Outline

Delivery Method

Snow (Atlas) Platform Essentials is offered as a 2 hour 40 minute self-paced e-learning course.

Enroll in this course

If you wish to enroll in this e-learning course a Snow Academy account is required.

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